
Statement on behalf of Molescroft Parish Council

Molescroft Pariish Council   Planning.jfif

Statement on behalf of Molescroft Parish Council
Proposed recycling facility, Ings Road, Grange Way, Molescroft, Beverley. 


Due to a large number of objections received to the above named planning application, the committee agreed on the following statement at the Parish Council meeting held on 17th November.  Comments have now been submitted on the ERYC planning portal.

This application raises serious concerns about traffic conditions on Grange Way.

There is normally congestion at the Swinemoor Lane/Norwood junction, not only at peak times but during the day, causing backing up westwards on Grange Way. Traffic to the coast during the holiday season causes more congestion and as housing increases north of the southern bypass this extra traffic will increase congestion even more. Woodhall Way and Molescroft Road are also busier if Grange Way is congested and residents on Lockwood Road could face increased difficulty to exit the estate.

The need for a traffic management plan for Beverley, promised when the southern bypass usage could be established, is now becoming urgent. Measures to improve the Swinemoor Lane situation is surely a priority as better movement around the town is essential.

Although visibility is good in both directions at the Ings Road junction, right turns are problematic and this may cause drivers to turn left and make a turn at the nearest junction to Lockwood Road.

This Parish Council supports the provision of a new recycling facility to replace the Weel site but is not convinced that the access to this site is suitable. The traffic  information does not consider the wider continuing and progressive traffic levels impacting on the site and these factors have not been given sufficient weight in the traffic analysis.

There are also relevant material planning considerations raised by objectors commenting on the extension into the open countryside, amenity considerations and non compliance with the local plan.

The Parish Council considers that there are substantial traffic concerns both now and for the future, sufficient to lead to the conclusion that the application should be refused.  

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