Open Letter to Connexin
The Parish Council has written the below open letter to Connexin, as a result of recent developments in the installation of broadband poles.
11th April 2024
Unit 18,
K3 Business Park
200 Clough Road
Dear Connexin,
We are writing an open letter due to the telegraph pole roll-out activity over the last day in Molescroft and the concerns we have that residents may have been misled by messages from Connexin indicating a pause.
News broke in the evening on the 10th April 2024 that Connexin are pausing the roll-out due to encouraging dialogue with KCOM regarding the sharing of existing infrastructure. This resulted in positive media coverage.
On the 11th April, multiple teams from Connexin’s contractors arrived in Molescroft to install new telegraph poles in multiple locations. Minutes after the contractors broke ground, Hugh Davis from Connexin went on BBC Radio Humberside to be interviewed and confirmed “The time is right to put a hold on things”. The interviewer said “the pause is happening now” which was not disputed by Mr Davis.
Some of the new installation sites today have been in streets previously untouched by the roll-out of telegraph poles. We share the frustrations of residents in our community and kindly request that Connexin and your contractors implement the pause announced without further delay.
Many Thanks,
Molescroft Parish Council.
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