Closure of Walkergate GP Surgery

The Parish Council has received notification of the pending closure of Walkergate GP Surgery - please see below:
I am writing to give you advance notice of two things, in case of patient queries
Walkergate Surgery will close on Thursday and Friday’s from 2nd January 2025. Telephones will be diverted to another site so patients can ring as normal. Walk in will not be possible at Walkergate Surgery but patients can access any of our other sites for assistance.
We intend to start an engagement process with the Walkergate patients from Monday 6th January 2025 as regards closing the site completely at the end of March 2025 due to the site being no longer fit or safe for purpose.
The Integrated Care Board (ICB) are fully aware and support our decision and we will be attending the Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting. We will advertise this and send out communications in the new year, along with organising drop in sessions for patients with questions and concerns. We will send details of these to you also in the New year so you are aware of what our plans are, in liaison with the ICB.
Caroline Maw MSc Leadership (Hull)
Group Manager~
Greengates Medical Group B81101
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