
August News

  It is a while since my last article and I hope that this finds all Molescroft residents having an enjoyable summer.  Traditionally, August is known as the 'summer recess' wit...

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Petanque Project Update

What's new?  Whilst the weather was mixed during July into August, the work to install a new community Petanque Court at the Pavilion, Woodhall Way has now been successfully comp...

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Community Petanque Facility comes to Molescroft

Community Petanque facility: what is it? The finishing touches are being made to the latest community amenity to be installed at the Pavilion, Woodhall Way, namely a Petanque Court. This latest com...

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Pavilion Improvements Update

Petanque coming to Molescroft:  What's happening & when?   In July 2019 there are additional improvement schemes planned to install a new Petanque facility within the boun...

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Tomorrow's Youth

Tomorrow's Youth head to Hornsea Members of the Tomorrow's Youth headed to the coast last week for a day trip taking in the Floral Hall (for lunch!) and a stop off at the Garden C...

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Audit 2018/19

Let's Talk: Audit  What is it and why it matters As a Public Authority and in accordance with the Accounts and Audit Regulations of 2015, Molescroft Parish Council is subject to scrutin...

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Parish Councillor Vacancies

Would you consider working as part of a committed team as a Parish Councillor? If the answer is YES and you feel you have the skills, enthusiasm and interest needed to succeed please forw...

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Annual Parish Meeting 2019

Annual Parish Meeting 2019 - 16th May 2019 The next Annual Parish Meeting will take place on the 16th May 2019. This public meeting will be held at the Pavilion, Woodhall Way, Molesc...

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